According to TASS-Telecom, from Australia comes the biggest criticisms of the new top-level domains. If you take in general, the point was made 242 observations by 1930 domains. According to the portal, for trial, and the response to the criticism released 12 days.
Let us dwell on complaints received from Australia. Their names are not satisfied with a negative connotation: .suck, .wtf, .gripe, .fail and some even having, according to the Australians, the critical values. So, do not go unnoticed domain called .casino, because there is no sufficient mechanisms in order to be able to somewhat reduce the potential harm to users.
The largest number of comments came at the expense of Amazon. Residents not satisfied with the sound of some of the top level domain names, such as: .app, .game, .book, .movi, .cloud and a number of others. Among dissonant included a number of names containing the name of geography.
In world practice there are examples of the use of twenty global top-level domains and several hundred, where we use elements of geographical names. With 41 conference ICANN, held a year ago in June, approved the unified program called new gTLD, which is slightly simplified registration rules for top-level domains. According to current rules, any user registered as a legal entity, has the right to purchase a domain name. Proposals have several Cyrillic domains – .rus, .deti.
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Service, who began his work on the first of June last year, has registered the 100,000th customer. This means that a half years it has been sold 100 thousand ready sites. announced a campaign that will allow service users receive a free domain RU and in addition six months hosting UMIHOST, the rate-regarded UMAXI. Now the list of clientele service grows, develops dynamically functional. The first one hundred thousand customers will appreciate the low prices and convenience functional. Two thousand of them – business projects and companies registered in Russia. The service operates on UMI.Cloud, which was awarded the “Cloud 2012” and recognized as the best SaaS-solutions for the Russians. shared success with its users, and prepare for the customers interesting gifts. Unique service service is the ability to output the finished site to a separate hosting, and customers who have used this service will receive six months of free hosting. A separate prize for the owners of sites ready to, switched to a paid fare to 12 November this year. This .RU domain as a gift.
The most popular service is the service “Personal Site”. The site is continuously updated, which is very convenient for users. Recent changes allow you to completely control the structure of the site, download a large number of photos and pay for the services selected tariff monthly. It is worth noting the ease and convenience of a personal administrative area of the site. Just a couple of clicks, and you’re in the right section. acquired a new feature that has automatic SEO-promotion turnkey website. The interface has no small system SEO-analysis. She will pick up your keywords, calculate the budget and be able to help in the counting of the term promotion. In the administrative control panel, the user can customize the advertising of services through Yandex.
All online stores that are created on the basis of service, connected to an analog computing device (integrator) payment systems Money Online. In this case, it is possible to pay for goods via mobile payments, VISA, WebMoney, MasterCard, QIWI, Yandex. Ready sites support the ability to comment and put “like” in social networks.
Among the regular users of the service, there are sites for business. For example, children’s products on, everything for home fitness on, the site has a huge list of products for the auto dealer, shop with modern and comfortable frameless furniture
The next year, according to forecasts, developers Umisoft will not be bored. See the light of a series of new templates that will adapt to any screen size and resolution, including mobile devices. Shopping, running on a platform UMI, equip the new interface and settings. For example, if necessary, you can choose the shipping method, or pay for the goods directly through Yandex.
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Technical editor .by domain zone until the preliminary results announced last auction domains. At the auction two working months were put 230 domains, of which 200 have been acquired. Buyers pay for the right to be owners of the domain, a total of 512 million. Rubles. But this is a preliminary estimate. The total expected amount – more than 600 million.
The auction was carried out in four small steps. Coincided with the beginning of October 1, the last day of the auction held on 25 November. At a charity auction were announced sale domains in the zone. by, previously excluded from the area for different reasons. Some names have bought cybersquatters (acquire sounding domain names for resale or advertising) because of their brevity or euphony. The auction was held at the site
Trades were organized by, which reports that currently have paid for purchased domains participants 1 – 3 stages of trading, during which it was sold about 140 domains. Customers in the amount of money 512 million. Rubles were transferred to the account of homes scattered throughout the country. They bought furniture, building materials, medical equipment for the examination of children with organic lesion of the central nervous system. One orphanage decided to buy computers, which with the help of special programs to help children with developmental disorders. So charitable assistance was provided to six orphanages in Belarus.
Now comes the last transfer domains for the latter, the fourth stage. Given these revenues, it is concluded that the total amount of transfers will exceed 600 million. Rubles, and sell the domain will be about 200.
Sergey Povalishev, who served as director of the company, said that the results of the auction organizers were satisfied. Not overshadowed the overall impression even failure of the first winner of the possibility of redemption Everything went well, and the domain was sold much more expensive.
This domain was the most expensive lot of the auction. He brought the event 250,025,000. Rubles (about $ 30,000). This is the largest amount for a domain not only for this auction, but also in the history of Bynet. First price for a domain name reached 165 million. If the organizer of the auction have not seen in a certain transaction fraud.
Second place in terms of value appeared domain, estimated at 27 million. Rubles, which is equivalent to $ 3,000. He has been exposed during the last and final phase of the auction, and not yet paid.
Was slightly cheaper price, who went for 25 million and took third place in popularity. Fourth place was the domain (17,5 million), the fifth – busiess.bu (13 million rubles). The last three domain owners bought.
We already know that the fourth stage in such trades will not be final. From time to time to practice holding auctions domains .by. Sergey Povalishev explained that now the domains “expired” always will be sold by auction.
Previously, they were simply removed from the roster. Now, if the lease term expired domain, but it may be of commercial interest, the name will be sold at a charity auction.
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